Friday, February 27, 2009

Romans 8:1-17

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death."  

These two verses alone deserve an Amen, don't ya think?

No condemnation.  Peter has a great group of guy friends and if they needed a motto, I think it'd be "No condemnation" because it's something that they continually reinforce with each other.  It's a great encouragement and blessing to see them actively live out the "no condemnation" rule with each other.  They keep each other accountable and confess to each other and immediately, without any thought, they reinforce that there is no condemnation in Christ.  And it's an ever greater encouragement and blessing to know that God treats me the same way.  The fact that I can sin, confess and God does not hold me punishable for those sins is almost too much to wrap my head around.  

None of this would be possible without Christ and His death on the cross.  He bridged the gap between myself and God.  He took the punishment for my sins.  All past, present, and future sins of mine have already been paid for.  

Verse 12 mentions that we have an obligation.  After reading this passage, I focused on the obligation of those in Christ.  Our sins have been paid for and therefore we must live in the Spirit.  I think that by not choosing to live in the Spirit, it's kind of like saying that what Christ did for me wasn't as awesome as it was.  Almost like what He did for me was in vain.  

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