Saturday, February 28, 2009

Galatians 5:16-26

What an awesome thing to know that I since am led by the Spirit I am not under the law.  The law of sinful nature has no power over me.  Sure, I sin.  Everyone does.  It's rather inevitable.  But I don't have to let sin control my life.  

Sinful nature and Spirit are like day and night.  The desires of the sinful nature are like opposites to the fruits of the Spirit.  This is a good reminder verse that all these different sins are on the same page.  Sometimes, in the moment, it's easy to think that a certain sin is more of what I like to call a "pedestal sin".  I think that each person has one or two "pedestal sins" that they struggle with more than other sins.  And when struggling with those sins, it's common (at least for me and others I know) to think that it's worse than any other sin.  This verse brings all sins back to the same level.  

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."  These fruits are what I need to continuously grow in in order to fight the sinful nature.  

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